A friendly atmosphere, professional service and delicious hot meals soon after the order – these are the things your guests expect each time they visit your restaurant for a pleasant evening. Your staff knows that very well and doing their best to leave only the best memories for your guest. However, it’s not as easy as it seems, because two different teams – kitchen and waiters- have to work together. Today you can help your staff communicate faster and more efficiently!
This can easily be done using nOrder kitchen monitor, which ensures the efficient communication of both teams. The operating principle is very simple! First step: waiter creates an order in the nPoint order window. The order goes to the nOrder kitchen monitor, which contains main order and any additional information added by the waiter. This information may be about the needed modifiers (for example “well done steak”), the required dish changes (for example “customer would like salad without onions”) or the time of production (“make after 20 minutes”) to ensure that the customers get exactly what they want. When the kitchen job is finished and the dish can travel to the hungry guest, the kitchen confirms the order with a click of a button and the waiters in the nPoint window can see which order can be taken.
This functionality has already been tested by our most courageous customers Habit, whose processes are now faster and highly appreciated by are happy customers. Try nOrder youself an you will soon be guessing how you worked before this great invention!